Questioning the self

Great man become great through pain. Is it something I truly believe? At this very moment I am asking myself that.

What do I truly believe about becoming great?

Do I want to become great or is it something I want because we worship great men? The very fact that I am asking myself this question is itself the answer then.

I am tired of prescriptions. Knowledge is social currency. I am rich. But I am also poor. I read books. I know the ‘how to’ for everything but I am searching for the ‘what to’ everywhere.

The search for ‘what to’ is a distraction. I know that. But a distraction from what? I don’t know that.

Or maybe I do and I am scared of finding out the answer. Maybe the answer is that I am happy with my achievements. But I am not happy with that answer.


This blog was written for others. Now I am writing it for self. For the audience of one. I am going to force the answer out of myself. By writing.

I don’t have any choice left.